I covered my first fatality on Thursday. But it was a probably a pretty easy one because it was all done from the office. By the time the police got back to me the search for the person had finished, so I didn’t have to go get a photo. It’s weird because it’s obviously pretty sad but it is a milestone in my career I guess.
Anyway, yesterday was a pretty good day but I did have a bit of “excitement.” I went out to take a few photos of a lookout that had been vandalised near Lake Moondarra. Except it was in this really isolated are where no one goes. But I found the place alright and took a few photos and it was nice to see the area. I headed back to the ute to drive back to the office and turned around, but as I put my foot down the wheels started spinning. And spinning, and spinning…
I was bogged. And I had flat tire. In the middle of nowhere. With no one around.
By some miracle I had phone service, so after a quick call to Tahnee the editor, I rang the RACQ (the Queensland version of the NRMA) and tried to explain where I was. But apparently it’s private land and they wouldn’t come to get me, and besides, they don’t think they could get their tow truck in there.
At this point, I’ll admit it, there was a bit of panic. But luckily Tahnee was able to call someone, pretty much a complete stranger, who had a four-wheel drive to come and pull me out in exchange for a case of beer. After that I changed the tire (thanks for teaching me how to do that when I got my L plates Dad – it’s the first time I’ve ever had to) and drove back to the office.
I had to go home to shower and change in my lunch break because I got so dirty crawling around under the ute!
So yes, a happy ending (apart from sunburn), but not a bad story.
Here’s a photo of the ute where it was stuck. If you didn’t know I was bogged I reckon it’s a promo shot for a Hilux if ever there was one.

The job is also a great way to meet people. I ran into person I interviewed during the week when I was getting some groceries and I got an invite out for drinks with some other people last night. So that was pretty nice.
We ended up watching a couple of episodes of Scrubs (that’s a TV show) at her place, which is just around the corner. Anyone who has lived with me in the last few years will know that is one of my favourite things to do, so it was a great night, and great to meet a few different people.
Today I hit the garage sales again and got a couch and TV! I wouldn’t say either of them are great or pristine but they will do the job and I can sell them again at a later date without too much emotional attachment. So, as you can see my flat is starting to look a little more furnished and lived in.

I finally got my landline hooked up, which is great. I dunno if it’s a good idea to put a phone number up on this blog, but if you email me at steven@peopleskills.net.au I can send you my phone number if that’s your thing.
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