Saturday, January 16, 2010

My flat and ramblings

The last few days have been pretty tough, both physically draining with moving but the reality of how far away I am has been starting to hit home, and to be honest, I'm finding it pretty bloody terrifying.

Plus I got a $200 fine! I borrowed a ute from work to move some stuff and I had my bike in the back, and I got busted because it wasn't tied on. Then when I got to my flat there was no running water, which was kinda just the straw that broke the camel's back. It turns out that the flat is plumbed in a really weird way, everything comes after the dunny in terms of pipage. So the toilet tap was turned off, and therefore there was no running water anywhere else.

So yeh, I've been finding things pretty hard. I'm hoping that once I start work on Monday I will find my line and length a bit more. For now though, if anyone feels like calling or sending me an email that would be great! The best email address for me at the moment is I would love to hear from people!

I can also give you my new address if letters are your thing. I'm hoping to get the phone and internet hooked up this week so I can stop coming to Maccas to use their net! If you're on Skype you can search for my name or I think my username is stevendschubert.

Anyway, I thought I'd put a few photos of my new flat up for you all.

This is the outside, looking down towards the street. There are two flats towards the street, and one behind me from where I took this photo.
You walk in to this big laundry, verandah kinda thing. The bathroom is around to the right from here.This what you see as you walk through the sliding door fromt the laundry. The fridge is to the right and the sink and stove is to the left.This is from the other side of that centre bench. The door you can see on the left is to an empty bedroom. It's a two bedroom place, and I will be looking for a flatmate ASAP. My bedroom dooer is just out of shot to the left.
This is my room, with my new bed that I bought for ten bucks at a garage sale today! The mattress is still the swag I've borrowed for now, I need to go get a proper one for considerably more than ten bucks! As you can see I still have a bit of unpacking to do.
And this is another angle of my room. You can see it has some built in wardrobes (as does the other room) which is handy.
So yeh, sorry about the whiny blog (it's pretty emo of me I guess). And if you don't have anything to do and feel like a chat that'd be great! I'm sure things will feel a bit more manageable once I start work and get into a bit more of a routine. It's just a very, very big change, and it's hit me all of a sudden.

1 comment:

Jatz said...

Hi Steve,
Any journey starts out a bit scary. Mrs Yap, my old (and she would be very, now) history teacher used to say..." the long march started with a single step".. wise words when you think about it.
We will ring you up, often, give me your numbe or do i have it? (now there's a line!) and as i am an 'old geiser' type, i love to write letters and.. get them back, so se4nd me your address.
Before you know it you will be so busy... get out there and meet some of those ugly women!
talk to you soon, love Jatz xxx