Friday, January 29, 2010

And finally, a day off

I haven't posted a blog for a while now for a few reasons. Number one is I'm still waiting for an internet connection at my house, and I've been too tired from work to go and scab free internet, or had stuff to do. And number two is because not an awful lot has been going on.

Well, that's not true. But I've been working a lot, and trying to find my line and length at The North West Star.

The job is going really well. Tahnée seems mostly happy with my writing. There's been a few stories where she's asked me to rethink my angle to make it a bit more localised, which is fair enough. But I haven't heard anything too bad, and I'm making my deadlines when possible, and giving her a heads up when I'm just waiting for someone to get back to me.

So yes, work is going well. I'm starting to generate some stories off my own back as I slowly meet more people in town. I will have a big story on page one on Monday which is exciting.

I'm also finding it interesting trying to take good photos for the paper. It's very easy for me to slip into just getting posed, smilely shots, which personally I find a bit boring when done all the time (but I do it when I can't think of anything else!). But again, occasionally I get told that a particular photo was pretty good, so it's good to get that feedback.

Since I've started work I've only had one day off, last Saturday. I have to work one Sunday in three, and when I do I get a three day weekend next time. I'm not too sure what I'm going to do with my long weekend. Unfortunately I have to go and do those boring, grown-up things: pay rent, buy groceries, clean the toilet. But I've also got some stuff lined up for tonight and tomorrow night, so that's good.

I'm starting to meet people and make friends which is awesome! I've been training with a footy team (I'm very, very, unbelievably sore today) and it's been good to get some exercise and have something to do.

The people I'm working with are very nice too (I have to say that, as I know they're aware I keep a blog). It's really good to be working with people around my age or a little bit older, rather than, as Grandma put it "some old fogies." And most people's arms can usually be twisted into having a beer and a game of pool after work.

Oh and the weather is a bit cooler today - a very pleasant 31 degrees, which is a very welcome relief. We're getting a bit of rain from the outskirts of ex-tropical cyclone Olga, so it's nice to just cool down.

So yes, not an awful lot going on, but it's all going pretty well.

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