Saturday, February 6, 2010


Finally! I'm writing this from the relative comfort of my flat after my internet finally got connected. And after I worked out how to configure my new wireless modem and get it to talk to my internet company. It did involve a bit of bad language.

But here I am. So keep those emails coming, and don't forget about me on Skype, and hopefully I can be a more reliable correspondent. I'm looking forward to some good, wholesome internet content.

Another week has gone by and again I don't have any riveting stories for you. A story I wrote about smokers out the front of the shopping centre up here kicked up a bit of a stink, and there's been a bit of a follow-up to that. And I've been keeping tabs on our local MPs as state and federal Parliaments have resumed.

In terms of social life, I've been shopping around town for a good football club, and I think I've settled on one now. It's going to be awkward when I play the other clubs for the first time. I feel like I'm having an affair.

There's also a pretty cool open mic night on Saturdays which is a lot of fun. I haven't gotten up to play yet, but maybe one day soon.

The journos at work are also pretty cool and up for a beer after work. Last night a big boss from Brisbane was up for a few days, and on his last night he bought us all dinner and put on a tab! Surely he knew the risks of doing that for a bunch of journalists. But I did try to be professional.

Oh, big news. I'm coming to Sydney! I'm being sent there for Fairfax's cadet training, but the better news is that I've got the week off afterwards! The training is from March 8-12, and I've got the following week off. I am planning to spend a few days in Newcastle, try to see some people in Sydney and freak out at how cold it will be in Moss Vale compared to Mount Isa. So yes, hopefully will be able to see a lot of people.

Anyway, that's about it really. Feel like I'm getting better with my writing and interviews. It's still a bit hard finding stories every day, but even on the quiet days I can still churn a few out.

So yes, send me emails and I will be able to write back!

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