Monday, February 15, 2010

Profile: Brad 'Thommo,' 'Aggi' Thompson

BRAD Thompson is a down to earth bloke, but don't be fooled into thinking that what you see is what you get.

There are nuances to the man, certain idiosyncrasies that one discovers only over time.

The self-described "laid back communist" came to Mount Isa for one specific reason.

"The prospect of a launching pad for a successful sports journalism career brought me to Mount Isa," he said.

Of course, the wide eyed, naive boy from Adelaide wasn't quite sure what to expect from the North West.

"It's been an eye-opening experience.

"I've really embraced the indigenous element of the town and met some super people such as Steven Schubert, Elodie Oxenham and Peter Baldwin."

Of course, there was one element about moving to Mount Isa that Brad could not possibly prepare himself for.

That element was the biggest, baddest journalist ever to grace the town, Steven Schubert.

"My favourite thing about Steven is his beliefs in the union. Steve is an ambassador for the union and he really relays their strengths and benefits with great effect," he said.

And of course, being the stud that he is, Mount Isa has well and truly embraced the AFL superstar and former Adelaide Crows forward flanker.

But Brad was coy when
Steven's Mount Isa Adventure asked him about his romantic interests.

"A gentlemen never tells. But I'm always on the lookout. I'd be lying if I said there weren't a few nibbles from the desperate ladies of Mount Isa who would sink their teeth into any old codger."

Brad was upfront about missing his home town, and of course his beloved, if hopeless, Adelaide Crows.

"Of course I miss Adelaide. I miss the beach and the salt water mainly.

"The Adelaide Crows are a professionally run unit, well drilled, well coached, a lot of local players, and of course players like Tony Modra and Darren Jarman are super stars of the comp back in the day, and just get you excited to play or watch footy. And of coruse the back to back premierships of '97 and '98 were two of the best years of my life," Brad said with an impassioned look in his eye that most ladies wish was reserved for them.

Brad has been quick to adjust to his new life and new career.

"Peter Baldwin and his management skills are my favourite things about The North West Star so far, and the hard hitting journalism from the news journos."

Brad didn't hesitate when asked if he likes his role as a sports journalist.

"I sure do. I get to meet people from different walks of life. Players, club stalwarts. Everyone's got a story to tell."

Brad says he in also immensely enjoying his new accommodation, but he is enjoying getting to know his charming new flatmate even more.

"I really enjoy the bizarre smells that come from your room and your cooking, so I could be here for a long time."

Who can blame you Brad, who can blame you.


So I know I haven't posted any photos lately. Sorry about that!

And Mum said she was worried because I didn't post a blog entry over the weekend. So this is my belated blog.

I only had a one day weekend because I had to work on Sunday. But on Saturday I went to Cloncurry with Brad because he had to cover a rugby match over there. He was worried about driving back at night by himself, because the road is known for roos, cows and camels darting across in front of cars. I drove over there, and in exchange he drove home, which meant I sat on the side line drinking tinnies of XXXX.

I can tell you right now, Cloncurry Rugby Club do a mean steak sandwich.

So yes, not much to report. Getting some good stories in the paper, check out the website for more. I'll leave this one short because I've got something else planned...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Free beer

I just played trivia at the Buffs Club (short for the Buffaloes Club, because that makes it so much clearer) and I'm pretty happy that my team, which consisted of me, Nicola, Brad, Elodie and her friend Josh came in third on debut. Actually we came in tied second, but the we lost the tie-breaker.

But, it does mean we got a $20 voucher, which was decided to go towards a jug of beer next week. Being young professional types, we had to head home, and couldn't just stay up drinking free beer like we did back in those heady university days...

In less funny news, there's been a bit of trouble with a local kid who keeps peering in people's door and walking in every now and then. Brad and I have seen him around and apparently he entered our neighbours flat the other day. So that's not great, but it just means we've got to take extra precautions, and I find myself triple checking that I've actually locked the door. We haven't had any trouble yet, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Open mic night

Last night was pretty fun. Mount Isa has a pretty big kiwi community, and they have annual celebrations for Waitangi Day. It involves a big rugby match between a New Zealand side against the rest of the world. They do the haka too, which is always interesting. It was a really nice atmosphere, and I scored a good seat in the press box (a bench on the side of the field) to have a few tinnies of XXXX. They also did a hungi, which was pretty awesome.

After that I went to this open mic night that happens every second Saturday at an old footy club. It's a really nice atmosphere, and there's a big variety of acts. One of my friends that I've made up here convinced me to play, and so I got up and played three originals. The pissed guys in the corner seemed to appreciate it.

So that was pretty fun. I will try to practise a bit more next time and get a few more songs up to scratch. But it's was good to have something to work towards and encourage me to pick up my guitar.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Finally! I'm writing this from the relative comfort of my flat after my internet finally got connected. And after I worked out how to configure my new wireless modem and get it to talk to my internet company. It did involve a bit of bad language.

But here I am. So keep those emails coming, and don't forget about me on Skype, and hopefully I can be a more reliable correspondent. I'm looking forward to some good, wholesome internet content.

Another week has gone by and again I don't have any riveting stories for you. A story I wrote about smokers out the front of the shopping centre up here kicked up a bit of a stink, and there's been a bit of a follow-up to that. And I've been keeping tabs on our local MPs as state and federal Parliaments have resumed.

In terms of social life, I've been shopping around town for a good football club, and I think I've settled on one now. It's going to be awkward when I play the other clubs for the first time. I feel like I'm having an affair.

There's also a pretty cool open mic night on Saturdays which is a lot of fun. I haven't gotten up to play yet, but maybe one day soon.

The journos at work are also pretty cool and up for a beer after work. Last night a big boss from Brisbane was up for a few days, and on his last night he bought us all dinner and put on a tab! Surely he knew the risks of doing that for a bunch of journalists. But I did try to be professional.

Oh, big news. I'm coming to Sydney! I'm being sent there for Fairfax's cadet training, but the better news is that I've got the week off afterwards! The training is from March 8-12, and I've got the following week off. I am planning to spend a few days in Newcastle, try to see some people in Sydney and freak out at how cold it will be in Moss Vale compared to Mount Isa. So yes, hopefully will be able to see a lot of people.

Anyway, that's about it really. Feel like I'm getting better with my writing and interviews. It's still a bit hard finding stories every day, but even on the quiet days I can still churn a few out.

So yes, send me emails and I will be able to write back!