Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lawn Hill

I got go go on an amazing trip with a state government minister and our local MP two weeks ago. The minister looks after national parks and was going up to Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park and I got a seat on the plane.

The plane was a King Air, which is what the Flying Doctors and my friend Luke fly. But this was a ministerial King Air! Leather seats, wood panelling, funky little half size soft drink cans... the works!

The original plan was to go to Camooweal for a graduation ceremony for an indigenous training college. Unfortunately they picked the two days where the north west was completely blanketed with clouds. We kept making circles around the runway but couldn't see anything. We were pretty low and couldn't see the ground and could hear one of the computers in the cockpit saying "pull up, pull up." The pilots assured me we were 600 feet off the ground, but it was a little bit interesting!
And this is Lawn Hill. Yes, I got paid to go canoeing up this river. Tough assignment...
Once you get through the gorge there is this lovely little waterfall. Amazing.
We stayed overnight at Adel's Grove, which is this kinda weird but lovely spot further down the road. It's kinda like school camp - you sit at a table for dinner and you go up and get stuff served out but have to be invited to go up! But yes, sat on the deck next to the river and had a beer! Lovely.

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