Monday, July 21, 2008

the haves and have nots

On one of the first nights I went out to dinner with Justin, our Chinese friend, I asked him what he thought the biggest problem facing China was. His answer was social inequality, and he thought that most people shared this view.

It's been interesting going to BOCOG functions, being taken out for Peking Duck and drinking beer and hiring buses on a whim. These people are the haves.

And whilst that's fun, the have nots are pretty interesting.

Today Josh knocked on my door and asked me if I wanted to go to the Fish, Bird and Reptile market, and then to the Underground City. How could I resist? We got a bit lost on the way to the market, and stopped to ask a guy for directions. He didn't speak any English, but we pointed to the Mandarin in my guide book, and he started walking with us. The scary bit came when he ushered us into this little room and we sat down not knowing what was happening, while he was on the phone. When I got up, he motioned for me to sit back down. We had no idea what was happening. But we eventually decided to leave and he showed us the way to the markets, and came around with us.

I now think that he was lost, ushered us into the room because it was air conditioned for us to wait in while he worked out how to get there. But I'm still not sure.

Here's a photo of the alley way, or hutong, that the markets are in. Once again, animal liberation was not a strong point, but it was really interesting. These guys are definitely the have nots. But the food is amazing and most people are really hospitable. It feels a bit more like what I was expecting China to be. The haves, in my opinion, are a bit more Westernised. Still friendly, but the hutongs feel a bit more authentic somehow.
I bought this really cool Chinese pipe in the alley. It extends and everything. The guy gave me some tobacco and was showing me how to smoke it. Very, very, strong. I'm not a big smoker, so it really went to my head! But it was a funny experience to cough and splutter and have everyone around laugh at me!

1 comment:

Ivan D said...

Your pre-Olympic travels look like fun, Steven. I wonder if you can bring me back any of that Beijing beer for me. Gumbei.

Ps. Say hello to Pippa for me!