Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Lyon and the Alps

I had an absolutely excellent couch surfing experience in Lyon, which changed my opinion of the city.

I stayed in with two hosts – two nights in each place. The first hosts were two very nice students, who were very busy in the daytime, but fun to hang out with and drink very, very cheap wine with in the evening.

The second hosts were a young French couple who were also great people. On my last full day in Lyon, the bloke, Ben, finished work at 1pm and offered to show me around the city. He was born there and knows it very well. I had wandered around the old part of Lyon, and thought it was pretty but nothing that special (I worry I’m already blasé about beautiful cobblestone streets!). But when Ben took me around and told me a little bit about the history of Lyon, it was fascinating! I didn’t know there are ancient tunnels built by the Romans, which run all under Lyon and used by the French Resistance during World War II! Or that cinema was invented in the city.

He also showed me a few amphitheatres which were built by the Romans. This one was built in 43 BC. That boggles my mind. And it’s open to the public, and apparently there are concerts held in it every now and then!

This is the basilique which overlooks Lyon, and the view from the top is incredible (if hard to photograph). 

When I left Lyon I stayed a night in Chambéry, which is a nice little town near the French Alps. After there I headed to Annecy. Now, this was recommended by my brother-in-law Steveo, and by my/our friend Léane the Parisian. In fact, she put me in touch with a couch surfing host she had stayed with in Annecy, Myriam.

Annecy is breathtakingly beautiful! I had some time between arriving in the town and meeting Myriam, so I wandered around. There’s a crystal clear river which runs through the town, which is obviously very old. Myriam told me this building was an old gaol.
The streets are beautiful, and lined with restaurants and cafés and ice cream shops, one of which had what I think would have to be the best ice cream I’ve ever had! The Alpine Savoy region is well known for its cheese, and they also use the fresh milk to make delicious ice cream. Amazing.

The river is fed from a stunning lake, which is surrounded by snow-capped mountains. Having grown up in Parkes and lived in northern Australia for the last three years, this is somewhat of a novelty for me! I spent a few hours lying on the grass in the sun reading, periodically looking up to marvel at the view.
The next day Myriam lent me a map and I caught a bus to the other side of the lake to a small village. It was surrounded with green fields, and of course, mountains!

She recommended a short hike to get a really good view of the lake, and I can’t say I it was a bad idea (click on the photo to see it larger)!

I think part of the reason I'm enjoying this part of France so much is because the weather has vastly improved! In Annecy it was 25 degrees, and I was able to wear shorts for the first time in a month. Shorts!!

What I didn’t realise about Annecy is it’s only 50 kilometres from Geneva. So I’m in Switzerland now! It is beautiful and very expensive! I also managed to find a car pooling website – it’s in French which is testing me – but I was able to get from Annecy to Geneva for free! Awesome!

I hadn’t really planned to come here, but the whole point of this trip is to have no plans. But where I go from here is anyone’s guess.

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