Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kununurra trip

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted anything.

Yes, part of it is laziness, but mostly it's that I've been quite busy and having too much fun!!

I've been doing some pretty cool stuff, but I won't talk about it all in one go. But I will put more stuff up here soon!

About a month ago I had the opportunity to go to Kununurra in Western Australia for work. It's just over the border into Western Australia, and the home of my closest rural reporter colleague. It's about 500 kilometres from Katherine.

So I went for work, but there was also plenty of time to see a bit of the Kimberley and have fun!

The reporter in Kununurra, Matt, took me to this amazing waterhole. This is the top of it, we had to walk down this path to the bottom.

But it was totally worth it. The water was really, really warm, to the point where it was almost uncomfortable, but it was such a beautiful spot for a swim.
Plus it had a rope swing!!
On the way back to Katherine we stopped in at Lake Argyle, which is the largest fresh water body in Australia. It's a massive dam, except the dam wall isn't actually that big, it's just very well placed. It's the dam for the Ord Irrigation Scheme, which was a big deal back in the 70s and is currently being extended. I don't think it ever quite caught on like the planners had hoped, but it's a lot of water!! Apparently during the wet season (it was a really big one this year) there was one million litres of water a second going over the spillway. That's just amazing.
I was in Kununurra for two nights, and it was my first time to WA! It was a pretty great trip, and I'm sure we did more stuff that I can't think of right now (plus a bit of work).

Will put more stuff up soon.

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