Apparently in the dry season the water is clear. I suppose it makes sense the water would be dirty if it has been raining heaps, which it has. I will have to head out in the dry season to take the same shots to compare.

It was only a short walk, about a kilometre each way to the lookout, but the humidity, combined with my general lack of fitness made it a very hot one. The track also went up the escarpment, which was rather steep! I started walking just after a storm had passed through, which no doubt made the humidity worse.
It was an overcast day, which I think may have detracted from the experience a bit, but it was good fun, and nice to get out of the house.

Speaking of which, I'm staying in a shared house at the moment. One of the housemates has gone overseas but has graciously let me stay in her room. She gets back at end of January, so there's a definite deadline to move out, but it will let me take a bit of time to find a place, rather than jump at the first house I can find. There hasn't exactly been offers flowing in, but I remain optimistic that once people keep coming back from holidays more people will be looking for a housemate.
And why wouldn't they want me, I'm quite the housemate-catch.
The job is going well, I've made my debut on the NT country hour. I'm beginning to feel more comfortable with the technical sides of radio, but I find myself concentrating on levels and making sure the damn thing is recording, not so much the interview. But I suppose these things come with time.
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