Friday, June 25, 2010


Blimey. It's been ages since I've posted anything.

I guess part of that is I am now in that 'grown up' pattern of getting up, going to work, coming home, going to bed - repeat. Also there's just general slackness...

Things are going pretty well up here. My mate and colleague Nicola has left Mount Isa for greener pastures with the ABC in Port Augusta. It's a great opportunity for her, one she'd be silly not to take, but very sad for me! But I guess that's how it roles sometimes.

Work is going pretty well, but I'm starting to get pretty tired. The sports journo and my flatmate Brad went away for a few weeks and I put my hand up to cover sport for him. It resulted in me working 12 days straight with one day off afterward. Not much fun. It resulted in me getting pretty crook and having to take a sick day where I slept for most of the day! It's my day off today and it's great to just sit around and watch DVDs. Working straight for so long means I've kind of let some of those basic things one needs to do like washing clothes, going grocery shopping slip. So I'm now trying to get back into living a good, clean life... sort of.

One of the good things about working at such a small paper is the opportunities that come up. For instance, Tony Abbott was in Cloncurry recently and I was sent to go interview him. If I was working as a cadet at any other paper there's no way I would be able to do that. There's also a lot of stuff to do with the new mining tax up here, one of the projects that has been suspended is near Cloncurry. So there's a fair bit to write about at the moment, which is nice.

Other than that, I'm going to try to start traveling around the region a bit more. I've been saying that for ages, I've just got to get off my bum and actually do it. I've been making some contacts on cattle stations and am going to try to get around and visit people. So hopefully there will be some exciting blog posts in the near future!

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