Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gregory again

I went to Gregory Downs last weekend again. My mate Tristan from Newcastle was passing through as part of the Postie Bike Challenge, which is a charity thing that rides little posties from Brisbane to Darwin.

As he had come all the way from Newcastle, I thought it would be rude not to go up and see him! So I left on Friday after work and got up there just after dark.

I realised half way up there that I had left the memory card for my camera at home! I realised because I stopped to take a photo of some bushfires that were burning and surprisingly my camera wasn't working.

It was great to catch up with Tristan though. There was a fair bit of alcohol consumed and then someone decided to bring a postie bike into the bar...
The riders headed off pretty early on Saturday, and I stayed around and had a swim in the river, which was beautiful. It was only a short trip but man it was good!

I did a story on the postie bikes for The Star, you can read it here.